While Vietnam's growing popularity as a tourist destination, certain nationalities may encounter difficulties obtaining a Vietnam visa due to political and religious factors.

List of 18 priority countries that are difficult to apply for Vietnamese visa

List of 18 priority countries that are difficult to apply for Vietnamese visa

Afghanistan Iraq Sierra Leone
Bangladesh Liban Sri Lanka
Cameron Libya Sudan
Congo Mozambique Syria
Ghana Nigeria Turkey
Iran Pakistan Yemen

Reasons why these countries are difficult to obtain a Vietnamese visa

Several factors contribute to the challenges faced by citizens from these countries when applying for Vietnam visas. These include:
  • Unstable Political and Economic Conditions: Political instability, economic turmoil, and social issues in these countries can raise concerns about potential risks such as illegal immigration, smuggling, or terrorism. To manage these concerns, the Vietnamese government may implement stricter visa policies.
  • Frequent Travel to Vietnam: Citizens from these countries often have a high frequency of visits to Vietnam for various purposes like tourism, labor, or business. To regulate immigration and prevent overstay issues, the Vietnamese government might impose tighter visa restrictions.
  • High Visa Rejection Rates: A history of frequent visa rejections due to non-compliance with visa requirements or false information on application forms can lead to stricter visa policies for citizens of these countries.

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